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What is a SPOT talk?

What we’ll ask of you

First up, you will need to cover all your costs to get to the FCA conference in Adelaide.


The SPOT Talks are held on day two between 9am and 10.30am (Thursday 29th May). You'll also be required at a rehearsal on Tuesday the 27th in the afternoon.


You will need to set aside around 20 hours to work on your SPOT Talk over the next few months. But you won't be alone ...  you’ll work with our professional mentor, Jon Yeo, in group and one-on-one sessions to refine your speech multiple times. By conference time, you’ll be able to tell your story in an authentic and powerful way without notes 


Find out more in this information pack.


​We take lots of things into account when selecting SPOT talks, including the overall flow of the program. â€‹


The program mentor ​might offer suggestions for you to explore and resubmit before he decides which people to take to the next stage. So please respond thoughtfully and promptly if you are keen to do a talk.


The best SPOT Talks come from a place of deep passion. So, what are you passionate about? Please write down your passion(s), link it to the theme and read the instructions on each question. If you have multiple ideas, you can submit a couple of pitches, one per form.​


There is more detailed information about the application process in the information pack


You can also watch this recording of our information evening a few years ago to find out more. â€‹â€‹


Applications are open until January 15, 2025.


You need to submit your pitch through our online form.


We'll let you know if you are successful by mid-February. â€‹ ​

Application process 

Do you have a perspective on something that you’d like others to hear? Is there an idea you’re burning to share? Is there something you think people working in financial hardship should hear?


Then perhaps you should consider doing an FCA SPOT Talk.


A SPOT talk is typically a 7 to 9-minute speech on our conference stage. We’re looking for seven brave speakers to be professionally mentored to deliver their talks to a packed conference audience. 


But …you can’t use notes, you can’t use slides.  It’s just you, a microphone and a spotlight. We film and edit the talks so you can share your it afterwards to amplify your reach. 

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